8th Celtic Linguistics Conference


This is the preliminary timetabled programme, also available as a PDF file.

All talks and posters are in Room 1.20 of the Dugald Stewart Building, and coffee and lunch will be served in the Common Room on the 7th floor of the same building.

Oral presentations

Friday, 6th June
9.00–9.50 Registration
9.50–10.00 Opening
10.00–10.30 Laura Arman (University of Manchester)
In search of unaccusative verbs
10.30–11.00 Florian Breit (University College London)
Establishing the limits of Welsh auxiliary deletion in conversation and experiment
11.00–10.30 David Willis (University of Cambridge)
Variation and change in modals and negative concord in northern Welsh
11.30–11.45 Coffee break
11.45–12.45 Poster session
12.45–13.45 Lunch
13.45–14.15 Gregory Toner (Queen's University Belfast), Máire Ní Mhaonaigh (University of Cambridge), Sharon Arbuthnot (Queen's University Belfast)
Serving two masters: Revising and Repurposing eDIL
14.15–14.45 Guto Rhys (University of Glasgow)
The early evidence for language in Pictland reconsidered
14.45–15.00 Coffee break
15.00–15.30 Steve Hewitt (UNESCO)
Welsh ‘syntactic mutation’ and Arabic ‘faulty accusative’: case or configuration?
15.30–16.00 Elena Parina (Philipps-Universität Marburg & Institute of Linguistics RAS)
Polysemy patterns of Welsh adjectives: how much language interference is there?
16.00–17.00 Máire Ní Chiosáin (University College Dublin)
Perception of secondary palatalization contrasts: a comparative study
19.00 Conference dinner at The Doric, 15-16 Market Street
Saturday 7th June
10.00–11.00 Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh (University of Glasgow)
Glottal features in Gaelic languages
11.00–11.15 Coffee break
11.15–11.45 Koldo Sainz (independent researcher)
Irish and Gaelic VSO: C-T Relations, F and Labeling in Diachrony
11.45–12.15 Joseph Windsor (University of Calgary)
The External DemP Hypothesis: Evidence from Irish
12.15–12.45 Jon Mills (University of Kent)
Middle Cornish Lexical Register: the Role of Etymology
12.45–14.15 Lunch
14.15–14.45 Anna Bosch (University of Kentucky)
A Phonological Sketch of St Kilda Gaelic
14.45–15.15 Jonathan Morris (Cardiff University)
The Sociolinguistics of (r) in Northern Welsh
15.15–15.45 Claire Nance (Lancaster University)
Phonetic variation among young Gaelic speakers in Glasgow and Lewis
15.45–16.00 Coffee break
16.00–17.00 Gillian Ramchand (University of Tromsø)
VSO languages and word order ‘parameters’

Poster session programme

Holly Kennard (University of Oxford) Breton word order in matrix clauses: evidence from two generations of speakers
Anton Kukhto (Moscow State University) Some Remarks on Munster Irish Stress
Marieke Meelen (Leiden University) Challenges and opportunities annotating historical Welsh
Christine Sheil (University of California, Berkeley) The function of Scottish Gaelic ‘headless clefts’ in narratives
Natasha Warner (University of Arizona) Spoken Word Recognition and the effects of Gaelic Initial Consonant Mutation
Ian Clayton (Boise State University)
Daniel Brenner (University of Arizona)
Andrew Carnie (University of Arizona)
Michael Hammond (University of Arizona)
Muriel Fisher (University of Arizona)