8th Celtic Linguistics Conference

Call for papers

The call is now closed

The 8th Celtic Linguistics Conference (CLC8) will be held on June 6–7, 2014 at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland). It is organized jointly by the Department of Linguistics and English Language and the Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies.

Abstracts are invited for presentations on all aspects of linguistic research on the Celtic languages. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) syntax, phonology, phonetics, sociolinguistics, historical development and speech technology, as well as issues specific to research on endangered and revitalised languages.

Invited speakers:

Abstracts are to be submitted as a .pdf, .doc or .odt file using EasyAbs here. Abstract format: 2 pages maximum (A4 or letter-sized, 12pt font, 2.5cm/1-inch margins), including examples and references. Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, so authors are asked to avoid self-references in their abstracts and to ensure that the document properties of the file do not include author details.

The conference will include oral presentations (30 minutes, including discussion) and poster presentations. When submitting the abstract, the author(s) will be asked to indicate their presentation format preference (if any).

The language of the oral and poster presentations will be English.

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission opens: 1st January 2014
  • Abstract submission closes: 15th February 2014
  • Notification of acceptance: 1st April 2014
  • Conference: 6th–7th June 2014

More information will be posted in due course on the conference website.

Local committee:

  • Pavel Iosad (LEL)
  • Will Lamb (CSS)
  • Wilson McLeod (CSS)
  • Gary Thoms (LEL)
  • If you have any questions, please contact us.