@Misc{Norance, author = "I.G. Norance", title = "How to Spot a Noun Phrase---when (or before) it hits you on the head", year = "1996", month = "march", note = "Style sheet from the 1996 Manchester Postgraduate Conference, University of Manchester" }, @TechReport{fourauthors, author = "Peter First and John Second and Mary Third and John Luis Fourth", title = "How to Cite Four Authors", institution = "University of Badga", year = 1987, address = "Chicago", } @PhdThesis{somebody:2, author = "John P. Somebody", title = "A New Radical Way of Citing", school = "University of Blah", year = "1986", address = "St. Brasdsd", }, @InCollection{another, author = "Mary Another", title = "Is This Way of Citing the Correct one?", pages = "12-21", crossref = "somebody" }, @Book{somebody, editor = "John P. Somebody", title = "The Art of Citing", publisher = "Hot Books", year = "1986", address = "Dodge City", volume = "2", edition = "third", } @Article{yetmore, author = "Frank More and Peter This-Other", title = "And More Citations", journal = "Journal of Citations", year = "1993", volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "23-32", }