%% This is LaTeX document style option `examples.sty', for making %% numbered examples. %% %% Written by Alexander Holt, Centre for Cognitive Science, University %% of Edinburgh . %% %% $Id: examples.sty,v 1.12 1994/01/19 15:59:55 lex Exp $ \def\fileversion{1.12} \def\filedate{19 January 1994} \typeout{Style Option `examples' version \fileversion\space <\filedate> (AGBH)} %%====================================================================== %% %% This document style option defines the environment "examples", %% intended for the display of linguistic examples. Examples resemble %% equations with the document style options "leqno" (left hand equation %% numbering) and "fleqn" (flush-left equations) in force. The %% "examples" environment can be nested two or three deep, to create %% subexamples and subsubexamples respectively. Subexamples are %% displayed as lists numbered by arabic letters, subsubexamples with %% roman letters. %% %% The main difference is that examples are made with the standard %% displayed paragraph environment "list", whereas equations use %% displaymath mode. A further difference is in the vertical %% positioning of the number: example numbers come at the top of the %% display, equation numbers in the centre. By default, examples and %% equations share the same numbering sequence. Example numbers always %% appear on the left; this style option forces equation numbers to %% appear on the left too, for consistency, by automatically selecting %% the leqno option. Whether equations themselves are centred or %% left-aligned, however, is at the discretion of the user. They are %% centred by default in LaTeX. The fleqn option makes them %% left-aligned; if this option is used, it should ideally precede %% "examples" on the options list, to ensure that equations and %% examples have the same indentation. %% %% The "examples" environment is used like this (note that \label and %% \ref work as might be expected): %% %% Consider now the following data, in particular %% (\ref{ex:johnmary}): %% \begin{examples} %% \item \label{ex:johnmary} %% \begin{examples} %% \item John loves Mary. %% \item Mary loves John. %% \item \sqz{*} loves John Mary. \label{ex:jmbad} %% \end{examples} %% \item %% ... %% \end{examples} %% %% It is also possible to use \label and \ref to refer to subexample %% numbering. When \label is used within a nested examples environment %% it will record the letter corresponding to the current (sub)subexample. %% So given the example above, one may refer to %% %% \ref{ex:johnmary}\ref{ex:jmbad} %% %% in order to get something like "34c". If you prefer brackets round %% the subexample letter, just do %% %% \ref{ex:johnmary}(\ref{ex:jmbad}) %% %% to get "34(c)". Similarly for subsubexamples. %% %% In the above, the command \sqz{*} has the effect of `squeezing' an %% asterisk in front of the sentence "loves John Mary". Users might %% find it worthwhile to define their own commands which call \sqz, for %% example, %% %% \newcommand{\bad}{\sqz{*}} %% %% which has the advantage of localizing the choice of letter. %% %% Collections of subexamples and subsubexamples will not be split %% over page breaks (except possibly between the paragraphs of a item %% containing multiple paragraphs). If you don't want this behaviour, %% the environment "examples*" allows page breaks anywhere, but is %% otherwise identical to the unstarred version. %% %% A couple of remarks on vertical space: first, if you wish to display %% more than one example consecutively, you should use a single examples %% environment to do so; using a sequence of one-item examples %% environments will result in too much space between them. Second, %% there should not be a blank line before an "example" environment, as %% this indicates to LaTeX the start of a paragraph, and it will add %% extra vertical space. Similarly, there should be no blank line after %% the environment either, unless you actually intend to start a new %% paragraph at that point. This comment applies to any LaTeX %% environment. Recall that you can use lines starting with the "%" %% character to space out your input file harmlessly. %% %% There is provision for arbitrary numbering of examples at all levels. %% the numbers being provided by the user. This is typically used for %% repeating earlier examples with the same number. You do this by %% giving the \item command an argument, in square brackets, consisting %% of the required number. (In the case of (sub)subexamples this will %% normally be a letter, of course -- though there is nothing to stop %% you using any symbol you like at any level.) For example: %% %% \begin{examples} %% \item[\ref{ex:johnmary}] %% \begin{examples} %% \item[\ref{ex:jmbad}] \sqz{*} loves John Mary. %% \end{examples} %% ... %% \item[XV] %% \begin{examples} %% \item[i] Roman numbering, provided by the user. %% \item[iii] I've chosen to leave out (ii). %% \end{examples} %% \end{examples} %% %% If an `empty' number is specified, with "[]", then the numbering %% position will be left completely blank. %% %% One cautionary note: sometimes one may have an example which uses %% square brackets in the example text itself (for example, to indicate %% constituent structure). In these cases one must follow the \item %% command with something before the first "[" to avoid part of the %% example being taken as a user-supplied number. A good thing to use %% is "{}": %% %% \begin{examples} %% \item{} [Mary] [loves John]. %% \end{examples} %% %% There are a number of parameters which the user can modify in his or %% her LaTeX document in order to change the appearance of examples. %% The commands \theexample, \thesubexample and \thesubsubexample do the %% actual numbering (or lettering), and may be redefined if desired. %% Note, however, that if \theexample is not defined to be \theequation %% (as it is by default), then it will be necessary to define a new %% counter for examples, which will then be quite independent of the %% equation counter. Hence it will usually be preferable to redefine %% \theequation instead, so as to keep equation and example numbering in %% sync. The other parameter which the user may like to change is %% \exampleindent, which determines the inital indent of example text. %% By default, it is set to 5/3 of the value of \leftmargini. If %% \exampleindent is changed and the document style option fleqn is in %% effect, it may be desired to change \mathindent to the same new %% value. %% %% Finally, there are two ancilliary commands for use with the examples %% environment -- \attop and \atcenter. They can be used to change the %% positioning of the example number when something other than ordinary %% text -- for example, a picture of some kind -- is the example %% material. With most included pictures, the example number will by %% default be aligned with the bottom of the picture. If you wish the %% number to be aligned (vertically) with the centre of the picture you %% can do something like this: %% %% \begin{ex} %% \atcenter{\input{mypicture}} %% \end{ex} %% %% Similarly for \attop. %% %% Deprecated, but present for backwards compatibility with earlier %% versions, are the following environments: ex, subex, subex*, %% subexamples, subexamples*, subsubexamples, subsubexamples*. %% %%====================================================================== % Get leqno.sty, so that equation numbers are on the left too \input leqno.sty % Make \exampleindent a new dimen, equal to 5/3 of \leftmargini \newdimen\exampleindent \exampleindent=5\leftmargini \divide\exampleindent by 3 % If \mathindent is defined (whence `fleqn' preceded us on the options % list) set it to \exampleindent \@ifundefined{mathindent}{}{% \mathindent=\exampleindent } % We need a depth counter \newcount\@exdepth \@exdepth=0 % The examples and examples* environments, numbered lists \def\theexample{\theequation} % so we use the existing counter \def\examples{% \ifcase \@exdepth \@examples \or \@subexamples \samepage \or \@subsubexamples \samepage \else \@toodeep \fi \global\advance\@exdepth\@ne\relax } \@namedef{examples*}{% \ifcase \@exdepth \@examples \or \@subexamples \or \@subsubexamples \else \@toodeep \fi \global\advance\@exdepth\@ne\relax } \def\endexamples{% \global\advance\@exdepth\m@ne \endlist } \@namedef{endexamples*}{% \global\advance\@exdepth\m@ne \endlist } \def\@examples{% \list{]}{% \leftmargin=\exampleindent \labelwidth=\exampleindent \advance\labelwidth -\labelsep \def\@listctr{equation}% % can't use \usecounter \@nmbrlisttrue % as that initialises to zero \let\makelabel=\@mkexlabel }% } \def\@mkexlabel#1{% \if\@itemlabel#1(\theexample)% \else \def\@tempa{#1}\ifx \@tempa\@empty {}% \else (#1)% \fi \fi \hfil } % The subexamples environment, another list \newcounter{subexample} % counter for subexamples \def\thesubexample{\alph{subexample}} % make them letters not numbers \def\@subexamples{% \list{]}{% \usecounter{subexample}% \let\makelabel=\@mksubexlabel }} \def\@mksubexlabel#1{% \if\@itemlabel#1\thesubexample.% \else \def\@tempa{#1}\ifx \@tempa\@empty {}% \else #1.% \fi \fi \hfil } % subsubexamples \newcounter{subsubexample} \def\thesubsubexample{\roman{subsubexample}} \def\@subsubexamples{% \list{]}{% \usecounter{subsubexample}% \let\makelabel=\@mksubsubexlabel }} \def\@mksubsubexlabel#1{% \if\@itemlabel#1\thesubsubexample.% \else \def\@tempa{#1}\ifx \@tempa\@empty {}% \else #1.% \fi \fi \hfil } % \sqz, for squeezing in grammaticality judgements \def\sqz#1{\leavevmode \llap{#1\kern 0.1 em}\ignorespaces} % The number positioning commands \def\attop#1{% \leavevmode \vtop{\vbox to \baselineskip{}\kern -\baselineskip \hbox{#1}}% } \def\atcenter#1{$\vcenter{\hbox{#1}}$} % The ex and subex environments, for less typing (but not really % recommended -- in particular, "ex" clashes with various other % packages...) \def\ex{\examples \item{}} \def\endex{\endexamples} \def\subex{\examples \item \begingroup \examples} \def\endsubex{\endexamples \endgroup \endexamples} \@namedef{subex*}{\examples \item \begingroup \@nameuse{examples*}} \@namedef{endsubex*}{\@nameuse{endexamples*} \endgroup \endexamples} % The old subexamples, etc., environments (now deprecated) \let\subexamples=\examples \let\endsubexamples=\endexamples \let\subsubexamples=\examples \let\endsubsubexamples=\endexamples \def\@namelet#1=#2{% \def\@tempa{\expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname=}% \expandafter\@tempa\csname #2\endcsname} \@namelet{subexamples*}={examples*} \@namelet{endsubexamples*}={endexamples*} \@namelet{subsubexamples*}={examples*} \@namelet{endsubsubexamples*}={endexamples*}