Pragmatics > Entailment

2.2 Entailment

The truth of certain propositions guarantees the truth of other propositions. In a world in which (13) is true, then (14) is also true.

(13) Fred is a bachelor.

(14) Fred is unmarried.

These are examples of one sentence entailing another (or technically, the proposition expressed by one sentence entailing the proposition expressed by another). Likewise, if (15) is true, then (16) must also be true.

(15) It's Thursday and it's cold out.

(16) It's Thursday.

On the progression from semantics to pragmatics, entailment is in the domain of semantics.

On one hand, entailment can be based on lexical relations. The lexical item 'bachelor' in (13) is associated with a lexically imposed fact that, by definition, all bachelors are unmarried. The combination of the presence of 'bachelor' and the lexical definition yields the entailed sentence in (14), as follows with (13) labeled as p and (14) labeled as q.

p: Fred is a bachelor
[all bachelors are unmarried]
q: Fred is unmarried

In a similar way, the combination of a statement about Kim being alive and the fact that nothing is both alive and dead yields the following entailment between p and q. Again it is based on a chain of reasoning stemming from the lexical item "alive".

p: Kim is alive
[nothing is both alive and dead]
q: Kim is not dead

As a last example of lexically based entailment, p and q are linked via the (binary-gendered) assertion that all children are either male or female.

p: Sandy is a child
[every child is either a boy or a girl]
q: Sandy is either a boy or a girl

Now consider how entailments can arise via sentential connectives (logical operators). For example, take a proposition p which is composed of two conjoined propositions. If p is true, then either of its conjuncts must also be true (see truth table in 2.1).

p: Fred is a bachelor and it's Thursday
['and' requires the truth of both conjuncts]
q: Fred is a bachelor

Entailment carries with it the interesting property that it does not survive negation. This means that the following pattern holds between p and q: If p is true, then q is also true, but if not p is true, then q is no longer true. So if you're in a world in which the proposition p that Fred is a bachelor is true, then the nature of entailments ensures that it must also be true in that world that q Fred is unmarried. The important addition is that if you're in a world in which not p holds, i.e., that it's not the case that Fred is a bachelor, then the proposition q that was entailed when p was true is no longer true.

if p is true, then q is also true:
p: Fred is a bachelor [True]
q: Fred is unmarried [True]

if not p is true, then q is no longer true:
¬p: Fred is not a bachelor p is True]
q: Fred is unmarried [q is False]

To go on to section 2.3 "Beyond entailment", click here.