Semester 2, 2008-2009
20 Jan 2009 Natalia Zharkova, Nigel Hewlett & William Hardcastle (Speech Science Research Centre, Queen Margaret University) Ways to compare coarticulation in children and adults from ultrasound data
27 Jan 2009 Tim Mills Measuring endoscopic video data
17 Feb 2009 Stefan Benus Phonetics-phonology interface and vowels in Slovak & Hungarian. Turn-taking and filled pauses.
24 Feb 2009 Mark Steedman Welsh Syntactic Soft Mutation without Movement or Empty Categories
3 Mar 2009 D. Robert Ladd Pitch perception and speech: some recent and not-so-recent findings
10 Mar 2009 Jennifer Sullivan Beginning to measure the intonational similarity of a rise to a fall
17 Mar 2009 Nicolas Ballier (Universite Paris 13) Doing phonology with letters: the Guierre school of English phonology
24 Mar 2009 Evia Kainada Phonetic correlates of prosodic structure
31 Mar 2009 Patrick Honeybone Teach-in on prosodic morphology
28 Apr 2009 Olesya Khanina (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) Issues in phonetics & phonology of Enets (Uralic)
26 May 2009 John Goldsmith (University of Chicago) Methods and Theory in Phonology
30 June 2009 Phillipa Rewaj Language/speech disorders in Motor Neurone Disease

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